Wednesday, 22 June 2011

SASSY – Analysis, Part 1

If we are going to build a system for doing software architecture we had better get a very good grip on what a software architecture actually is.


Garlan and Shaw describe software architecture as the design problems that go beyond the selection of algorithms and data structures:

“Structural issues include gross organization and global control
structure; protocols for communication, synchronization, and data
access; assignment of functionality to design elements; physical
distribution; composition of design elements; scaling and
performance; and selection among design alternatives.”

A common theme in the discussion of the nature of software architecture is that it covers those design issues that encompass more than one component module of the system.

Malan and Bredemeyer describe the central concerns of a software architect as being the setting of system wide priorities; system decomposition and composition; system wide properties, especially those that cut across multiple components; how well the system fits its context; and the overall integrity of the system.


Malan and Bredemeyer describe an architectural framework as having three main layers:
  • A meta-architecture with a focus on the high level decisions that will strongly influence the structure of the system, rule certain structural choices out, and guide selection decisions and tradeoffs among others.
  • An architecture with a focus on decomposition and allocation of responsibilities, interface design and assignment to processes and threads; and
  • A set of guidelines and policies which guide the engineers creating designs that maintain the integrity of the system.
The architecture layer is further divided into three sub-layers:
  • A conceptual architecture with a focus on identification of components and allocation of responsibilities to components;
  • A logical architecture with a focus on design of component interactions, connection mechanisms and protocols, interface design and specification, and providing contextual information for component users; and
  • An execution architecture with a focus on the assignment of the runtime component instances to processes, threads and address spaces; how they communicate and coordinate and how physical resources are allocated to them.


At its core the software architecture process entails taking the requirements and preliminary analysis and developing a set of documents and diagrams describing the system to be constructed.

The functional requirements, and perhaps more importantly the quality requirements are first examined in order to develop a set of tactics that will best satisfy those requirements. The software architecture discipline has a large body of well known tactics that can be combined to produce the approach for the specific problem.

The tactics are then used select appropriate COTS products and to develop a set of design patterns.

The project is divided into sub-projects which can each be separately developed. This is important for large projects, since very few large projects ever complete successfully it is necessary to subdivide them into manageable chunks to a size where the success rate is more satisfactory.

The overall design is then subjected to an analysis to determine if it is a viable solution.

The interfaces between these components is then fully documented so that each sub-project can get under-way as soon as possible.

A set of scenarios are developed that will form the basis of the test cases for the system. These tests are designed to ensure that not only are the functional requirements met, but also the quality requirements.

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